Thanks James. I have never said anything but not that it means much at all but I know Wesley Benner too he was the C O called in for the committee. He was a rude littlle guy when he wanted to be and very nice when he wanted to be. Not the best C O I ever came to know. Oh well means little but thought I woul join in.
im stuck in
JoinedPosts by im stuck in
I know 2 of the Elders on the Ray Franz JC
by James Jackson inwhen i read coc, i was stunned that the 2 elders (theotis french & rob dibble) were on ray franz judcial committee.
i have known these men for over 20 years having done rbc and convention work with them.
they are still elders today which means they were in their early 30's(which is unheard of for a case of this importance to have inexperienced elders to sit on) on this committee.. without revealing myself, i have never tried(but have wanted to), ask them about their on having to judge a former gb member.. then out of the blue, about a year ago, i was mentioning how hard it is trying to get younger ones to volunteer to one of these elders, and he says"this is nothing compared to to sitting on the committee that had to disfellowship ray franz".
Motorcycle riders: Who are you and what do you ride?
by UnConfused insuzuki boulevard c50 for me.. .
im stuck in
HONDA V T X 1800 C And I ride all over New England. RIDE ON
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
im stuck in
I agree village girl please stop.
Does Death Exist? New theory says "No"
by jam inmaybe someone can post "
i hope mr lanza is right in his theory because it is scary not knowing.
where in the hell i will end up after i
im stuck in
Dr Lanza's book Biocentrism is available on Amazon. It is a fantastic read. The man has an amazing mind. You will learn how atoms affect our lives and our view of consciousness. Please read it.
Hope -And A Conspiracy Confirmed
by metatron in
just because the 'truth" is nonsense doesn't mean i don't hope for a better world.. .
in recent years, there have been a lot of people on the fringes complaining that the western world in particular is ruled by an unaccountable elite.
im stuck in
Designs LOL
Do you think US Dollar will collapse on July 1st?
by Iamallcool inif you do not know what i am talking about, google about it.
im stuck in
Most people that understand Fatca have seen controls like this in place in other countries. They think it can very well be a reality.
When a JW's life comes close to its end...
by suavojr intalking with a long time elder last night, was very revealing.
he has been a jw for over 60 years, a man that was incarcerated in cuba in his early 20s and faced great loss and suffering over his beliefs and for being born in a communist country.
this brave man is now brittle and low-spirited.. while nightfalls on his life, he is made aware the end is near.
im stuck in
suavojr: For the first 10 or 15 years it was tough to pretend all of the time. In the last ten years I have told my wife I no longer beleive, and some other close family members. They understand to a degree. My wife tolerates my very meager meeting attendence it is just enough to not arouse interest. I only go in the car with my wife when they go in service. I never get out of the car except for coffee breaks LOL. No one has questioned me and frankly they know better. I wish you all of the best. I am reluctant to post too much here that will identify me. If you would like to know more just ask privately. I will do all I can to be of assistance to anyone.
When a JW's life comes close to its end...
by suavojr intalking with a long time elder last night, was very revealing.
he has been a jw for over 60 years, a man that was incarcerated in cuba in his early 20s and faced great loss and suffering over his beliefs and for being born in a communist country.
this brave man is now brittle and low-spirited.. while nightfalls on his life, he is made aware the end is near.
im stuck in
suavojr That kind of stuff absolutely breaks my heart. That a group of ruthless old men who should know better keep the rank and file so loyal through lies while they enjoy the goog life in the manner of Old Joe. I myself am a victin of over 60 years from youth up. Although I am no longer part of the religion I pretend for my family whom I love so much.
Hope -And A Conspiracy Confirmed
by metatron in
just because the 'truth" is nonsense doesn't mean i don't hope for a better world.. .
in recent years, there have been a lot of people on the fringes complaining that the western world in particular is ruled by an unaccountable elite.
im stuck in
Yes Even the Watchtower is controlled by them.
Speculation on why now?
by Crazyguy inin the last couple of years the org has gone money crazy, selling off over a billion dollars worth of property and now a new tithing program.
just wonder what every one thinks is the reason for all this now?.
im stuck in
I know that there are many here perhaps all that will Poo Poo this but here goes.
I have for years done research on the background of the Watchtower. When Russell started it many beleive that he was funded by the Rothchilds as were the Mormons the two religions are peas in a pod. Is it New World Order? Illuminati? ETC Why do they use only bank for their money? Owned by said family. THEY ARE DIRTY though I beleive that most in the upper echelon have no idea. Some day it will all come out. I have much more information available.